Summer 2018 | Live Blog | Product Theater | Innovations in Dermatology
The first product theater on day 2 of the SDPA Annual Summer Conference was presented by Dr. Neal Bhatia and featured the use of Onexton and Retin-A Micro for the treatment of acne.
Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory pilosebaceous disease that affects greater than 80% adolescents, up to 12% women, and can persist after the age of 25. Further, acne is the most common skin disease in African Americans. Quality of life impairment of acne is comparable to asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, back pain and arthritis.
When considering treatment options for acne, Dr. Bhatia explained the holistic approach to include the clinical condition, pathophysiology, underlying medical condition and lifestyle of the patient. Skin type also needs to play a role in the approach to a personalized treatment plan of the acne patient.
Onexton is a FDA approved combination of clindamycin phosphate 1.2 % and benzoyl peroxide gel 3.75% for once daily treatment of comedonal and inflammatory acne. The use of Onexton in pregnancy should be used only if the potential benefit outweighs the risk. Onexton is a keratolytic, antibacterial and bactericidal agent. Onexton targets and kills P. Acnes and significantly decreases inflammatory lesions. Onexton has appears to have fewer cutaneous adverse events to a similar formulated gel.
Retin-A Micro is a pump distribution of 0.1%, 0.08% , 0.06% or 0.04% microsphere gel for the treatment of acne vulgaris. The microsphere gel formulation has been found to be the most effective form of delivery of retinoids. The microsphere technology helps with photostability of Retin-A Micro. Though Retin-A Micro has been formulated for tolerability, irritation is common in the beginning of treatment and alleviated with use of moisturizers. Studies show a very low discontinuation rate with Retin-A Micro. Finally, it is important to keep Retin-A Micro away from the eyes, mouth, paranasal creases and mucous membranes.
Byline: Sarah Patton, MSHS, PA-C
Posted: June 29, 2018
Summary: Dr. Bhatia presented our morning product theater on the use of Onexton and Retin-A Micro for the treatment of acne vulgaris at the SDPA Annual Summer Conference.
Key words: SDPA, Summer Conference, Seattle, research, sdpa, society of dermatology physician assistants