Your voice counts! Tell the FDA you Support Action Against Indoor Tanning Devices. The Deadline to Comment is August 7, 2013
Calling all SDPA members!
Recently the FDA issued a proposed order to reclassify sunlamps and indoor tanning beds from a Class I to Class II device. According to the AAD, indoor tanning devices are currently in Class I, the category for items that have minimal potential to cause harm to individuals, such as adhesive bandages and tongue depressors. A move to Class II would institute stricter regulations to protect public health.
The FDA is also proposing that consumers be warned that the following people should not use tanning beds: minors under the age of 18, people with open lesions, wounds, or sores, and people who have previously been diagnosed with skin cancer or have a family history of skin cancer. The FDA is further recommending that people who use indoor tanning devices be regularly screened for skin cancer.
It’s your turn to comment. The FDA is accepting public comments on this issue until August 7, 2013. As physician assistants we have seen firsthand what skin cancer does to our patients and their families. Take a moment to let the FDA know that you support the proposed changes to tanning bed reclassification.
You can read some key points here that outline the SDPAs and AADs stance on these proposed changes. The AAD has also released a more detailed FAQ on this issue which can be found here.
It’s easy to add your voice in support of these proposed changes. The FDA has opened a docket to accept comments until August 7, 2013. You can submit your comments online. The full web address of the docket is also listed below.
It only takes a minute to support positive change and help reduce the impact of skin cancer on our communities and our patients. We believe that a large number of positive comments will ensure that the proposed order is finalized. Add your support today!
Read the Docket Here and Leave Comments by August 7th!
[Image by Jason & Megan Mills]